Current research projects

I am currently leading the following third-party funded research projects (for more information on the projects, see the corresponding page of the fortext lab):

  • „Das forTEXT-Portal – Routinen, Ressourcen und Tools für die Digital Humanities Lehre“ - a portal about routines, resources and tools for Digital Humanities Teaching, funded by Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre
  • „Unitizing PLot to advance Analysis of Narrative Structure (PLANS)”, funded by DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 2207 (with Chris Biemann)

Completed research projects

  • „Prinzipiengestützte Kategorienentwicklung für die Digital Humanities. Ein Proof of Concept“ (KatKit) - Principle-based Category Development for DH, funded by Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst
  • „Evaluating Events in Narrative Theory (EvENT)”, funded by DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 2207 (with Chris Biemann)
  • “forTEXT - Research Environment for Collaborative Text Indexing”, funded by the DFG program “Scientific Library Services and Information Systems”
  • “Shared Task Initiative”: shared task for the creation of annotation guidelines for narrative levels, partially funded by the Volkswagen Foundation (with Nils Reiter and Marcus Willand)
  • „Zur Annotation genderspezifischer Darstellung von Krankheit in literarischen Texten“ - an annoation project about gender-specific representations of illness in liiterary texts (subproject in the research association “Automated Modeling of Hermeneutic Processes - The Use of Annotation in Social research and Humanities for Analyses of Health”, hermA), funded by the Landesforschungsförderung Hamburg

Current roles in the DH research community (selection)

  • First Chair of the Association of Digital Humanities in German-speaking Countries (DHd e.V.)
  • Second Chair of the Centre for Reflected Text Analytics (Creta e.V.)
  • Member of the Expert Panel for national research infrastructures (NFDI)
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the EU Horizon2020 project “Computational Literary Studies Infrastructure” (Infra CLS)
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the ERC project “Graphs and Ontologies for Literary Evolution Models” (GOLEM)
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Department “Knowledge - Culture - Transformation” at the Interdisciplinary Faculty of the University of Rostock
  • Member of the Programme Panel of the DFG Priority Programme “Computational Literary Studies” (SPP 2207)
  • Member of the Scientific Board of the Journal KorDaF - Korpora Deutsch als Fremdsprache
  • Member of the Programme Committees for the conferences DHd2025 and CHR2024
  • Editor of the open access journal forTEXT Hefte
  • Co-editor of the open access Journal of Computational Literary Studies